
Kashmir's Military Occupation: A Glucometer's Take on the Monetary Aspect

The recent announcement of monetary rewards for information on resistance fighters and their activities indicates the failure of India’s occupation and its much-touted normalcy drama. You have been doing it since more than three decades in desperate attempts to annihilate us. But have you been successful at all? We don’t criticize you for such actions; after all, occupations often rely on such measures, as they can’t sustain without resorting to such tactics. Your desperation, to us, is nothing but a source of amusement, for our heads carry bounties in millions of rupees!
Throughout all these years of turmoil, you have resorted to various measures in an attempt to crush the resistance and alter the sentiments of the local population. However, these efforts have consistently fallen short, as the Kashmiri people have continued to demonstrate an unyielding commitment to their cause and an unwavering spirit in the face of adversity.
Let me remind you that you have been giving whopping monetary rewards to your soldiers for killing Kashmiris, and hundreds of your mercenaries have been found guilty of killing Kashmiris in fake encounters for monetary rewards and promotions. The Machil fake encounter, Pathribal fake encounter, HMT Srinagar fake encounter and the recent Amshipora fake encounter in Shopian are some of the examples. These incidents highlight the inherent flaws in your military occupation of Kashmir, which is characterized by a culture of impunity and disregard for human rights.
The use of financial inducements to gather information is a self-defeating strategy that only serves to fuel the resolve of the Kashmiri people in their struggle for justice and freedom.
Now, after looking at your announcement carefully, it only punctures your normalcy balloon. Breaking the statist narratives of normalization, the true narrative comes to light—one that of resilience, courage, and a determination that transcends the ephemeral allure of monetary gains. Kashmir remains an unwritten poem, composed in the ink of resistance, where the spirit of freedom dances amidst the bullets and betrayals.

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Ahmad Hassan Shaheed, a dedicated member of Hizbul Mujahideen, led a group of fighters in a fierce battle against Indian commandos in July 1997, resulting in his martyrdom. Known for his commitment to the Kashmiri struggle, he inspired many with his leadership and deep-rooted faith in the cause.

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