
Voice of Resistance

About Us

Welcome to our monthly magazine dedicated to shedding light on the intricate and often suppressed narratives of Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Comprising a diverse group of research scholars, academicians, doctors, and professionals from across the globe, we have united with a shared mission. In the face of India’s stringent control and iron-fisted policies over the region, our magazine serves as a beacon of truth amidst a sea of filtered information. We are committed to unveiling the untold stories of human rights abuses, commemorating our martyrs and their history, and chronicling the ongoing struggle for liberation. Our focus extends to the transformative events post-5th August 2019, when the region’s semi-autonomous status was unjustly revoked by India. We aim to expose the detrimental projects initiated by India, including settler colonialism and the domestication of religion. Through rigorous research, authentic reporting, and compassionate storytelling, we strive to provide an unfiltered perspective that resonates with the lived experiences of the people of Kashmir.


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Dive into the intricate political maneuvers shaping occupied Kashmir in this compelling magazine feature.

Press Release

Press Release for the media houses and news agencies.

Human Rights Violations in Indian Occupied Jammu Kashmir January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2023

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Indian Occupying Forces
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Our Team

Gowhar Farooq

Why Choose Us

Choosing our magazine means choosing authenticity, integrity, and a commitment to the truth. In an era where the media landscape is dominated by narratives shaped by political agendas and vested interests, we stand apart as a trusted source of unbiased and insightful reporting on Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Our team comprises experts from various fields, ensuring that our content is well-researched, comprehensive, and grounded in facts. We are deeply invested in highlighting the human rights abuses, the rich history of our martyrs, and the ongoing struggle for liberation in the region. Moreover, our focus extends to the aftermath of 5th August 2019, documenting the adverse impacts of India’s anti-Kashmir and anti-Islam projects, such as settler colonialism and religious domestication. By choosing us, you are choosing to support authentic journalism, championing the voices of the oppressed, and contributing to a more informed and compassionate global discourse on Kashmir.

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Recent Blog Post

Kashmir Martyrs Day: What Fueled the July 1931 Incident?

Kashmir Martyrs’ Day commemorates the July 1931 incident, fueled by oppressive Dogra rule and rising discontent among Muslims. Protests erupted against injustices, leading to the killing of 22 demonstrators by state forces. This pivotal event ignited Kashmir’s struggle for rights and justice, marking a significant chapter in its history.

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Imtiyaz Ahmad Pala and the Vicious Cycle of Custodial Deaths in Kashmir

Imtiyaz Ahmad Pala’s custodial death underscores the vicious cycle of human rights violations in Kashmir. Detained and tortured by security forces, his tragic fate exemplifies the region’s systemic abuse and lack of accountability. Pala’s death amplifies the urgent call for justice and an end to custodial brutality in Kashmir.

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Amishipora Fake Encounter and the World of Impunity in Kashmir

The Amishipora fake encounter exposed the brutal reality of impunity in Kashmir. Indian forces killed three innocent men, later framing them as militants. This incident highlighted the ongoing human rights abuses and the lack of accountability, fueling further resentment and calls for justice among the Kashmiri population.

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