About Us
Who We Are
Welcome to our monthly magazine dedicated to shedding light on the intricate and often suppressed narratives of Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Comprising a diverse group of research scholars, academicians, doctors, and professionals from across the globe, we have united with a shared mission. In the face of India’s stringent control and iron-fisted policies over the region, our magazine serves as a beacon of truth amidst a sea of filtered information. We are committed to unveiling the untold stories of human rights abuses, commemorating our martyrs and their history, and chronicling the ongoing struggle for liberation. Our focus extends to the transformative events post-5th August 2019, when the region’s semi-autonomous status was unjustly revoked by India. We aim to expose the detrimental projects initiated by India, including settler colonialism and the domestication of religion. Through rigorous research, authentic reporting, and compassionate storytelling, we strive to provide an unfiltered perspective that resonates with the lived experiences of the people of Kashmir.
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Choose our magazine for unbiased reporting on Jammu and Kashmir. We highlight human rights abuses and the struggle for liberation, offering authentic journalism in a sea of bias.