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Kashmir Martyrs Day: What Fueled the July 1931 Incident?

Kashmir Martyrs’ Day commemorates the July 1931 incident, fueled by oppressive Dogra rule and rising discontent among Muslims. Protests erupted against injustices, leading to the killing of 22 demonstrators by state forces. This pivotal event ignited Kashmir’s struggle for rights and justice, marking a significant chapter in its history.

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Imtiyaz Ahmad Pala and the Vicious Cycle of Custodial Deaths in Kashmir

Imtiyaz Ahmad Pala’s custodial death underscores the vicious cycle of human rights violations in Kashmir. Detained and tortured by security forces, his tragic fate exemplifies the region’s systemic abuse and lack of accountability. Pala’s death amplifies the urgent call for justice and an end to custodial brutality in Kashmir.

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Amishipora Fake Encounter and the World of Impunity in Kashmir

The Amishipora fake encounter exposed the brutal reality of impunity in Kashmir. Indian forces killed three innocent men, later framing them as militants. This incident highlighted the ongoing human rights abuses and the lack of accountability, fueling further resentment and calls for justice among the Kashmiri population.

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Kashmir Martyrs' Day commemorates the July 1931 incident, fueled by oppressive Dogra rule and rising discontent among Muslims. Protests erupted against injustices, leading to the killing of 22 demonstrators by state forces. This pivotal event ignited Kashmir's struggle for rights and justice, marking a significant chapter in its history.

Imtiyaz Ahmad Pala's custodial death underscores the vicious cycle of human rights violations in Kashmir. Detained and tortured by security forces, his tragic fate exemplifies the region's systemic abuse and lack of accountability. Pala's death amplifies the urgent call for justice and an end to custodial brutality in Kashmir.

The Amishipora fake encounter exposed the brutal reality of impunity in Kashmir. Indian forces killed three innocent men, later framing them as militants. This incident highlighted the ongoing human rights abuses and the lack of accountability, fueling further resentment and calls for justice among the Kashmiri population.

In June 2020, we lost brave souls like Ishfaq Ahmad Itoo, Owais Ahmad Malik, Umar Dhobi, Saqlain Ahmad Wagay, Shakir Ahmad Pal, Adil Ahmad Lone, Nadeem Ahmad Malik, and Haris Manzoor Bhat. Their sacrifices for freedom and justice remain an enduring inspiration, urging us to continue their fight with unwavering resolve.

"Resistance Dairies: Remembering Shaheed Burhan" honors Burhan Wani's legacy, a martyr who symbolized Kashmir's fight for freedom. His bravery and sacrifice ignited a movement, inspiring countless others to continue the struggle. This tribute reflects on his enduring impact and the ongoing quest for justice and dignity.

In June 2020, we lost brave souls like Ishfaq Ahmad Itoo, Owais Ahmad Malik, Umar Dhobi, Saqlain Ahmad Wagay, Shakir Ahmad Pal, Adil Ahmad Lone, Nadeem Ahmad Malik, and Haris Manzoor Bhat. Their sacrifices for freedom and justice remain an enduring inspiration, urging us to continue their fight with unwavering resolve.

Remembering Shaheed Abdul Hakeem, a valiant hero whose sacrifice embodies the struggle for justice and freedom. His unwavering courage and dedication to his cause continue to inspire generations. Hakeem's legacy lives on as a symbol of resilience and the enduring fight for the rights and dignity of his people.

On the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, attention turns to Kashmir, where reports of sexual violence by security forces persist. Despite international condemnation, these human rights abuses remain a grave concern, highlighting the ongoing plight of Kashmiri women and the urgent need for accountability.

The 2008 Kashmir state elections saw a high voter turnout of 67%, seen as a rejection of pro-freedom ideologies by India. Omar Abdullah's National Congress won, promising good governance and human rights reforms. However, these promises soon faded, and human rights abuses persisted in the region.

Mohammad Ashraf Khan, also known as Ashraf Sehrai, was a prominent Kashmiri separatist leader and chairman of Tehreek-e-Hurriyat. He played a significant role in advocating for Kashmiri independence.

Junaid Sehrai's armed resistance defies perceptions of comfort, highlighting familial sacrifice in Kashmir's liberation struggle.

Surveillance in Kashmir mirrors Gaza's, raising privacy concerns, especially with intrusive demands for personal data.

Kashmir tragedy exposes media suppression, controlled by Indian state, sacrificing journalistic integrity and public's right to information.

Recent unrest in Kashmir sparked by political tensions, posing challenges for stability and peace efforts.


Remembering the impactful crisis management legacy of Reyaz Naikoo, a remarkable leader in navigating challenges.

Controversial railway expansion plans in Kashmir raise concerns about potential impacts on local communities and environment.

Mark World Press Freedom Day. Ensure free press rights upheld, including in sensitive regions like Kashmir.

Kashmir's Military Occupation: A Glucometer's Take on the Monetary Aspect

Asifa: A symbol of resilience and the fight for justice, never forgotten.

Anveer Ahmad Shergojri: A unique perspective on life, culture, and beyond.

Explore India's political strategy in occupied Kashmir. Uncover the complexities and implications in this insightful analysis.

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