LGBTQ Programs in Kupwara: How Occupiers Use Secular Liberalism against Kashmiri Identity
Idrees Bhatt
In November 2024, two programs advocating for the so-called “rights” of the LGBTQ community were conducted at the Conference Hall, ADR Centre, Court Complex Kupwara, and Sogam Lolab in the bordering district of Kupwara. These programs were organized by the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Kupwara and the Tehsil Legal Services Committee Sogam, respectively. What is particularly striking is that the directive to organize these events came not from any grassroots demand but from the SP Office Kupwara, which channeled the initiative through proxy organizations backed by the Indian occupation in the region.
This orchestrated push is emblematic of a larger strategy employed by the Indian occupational apparatus in Kashmir. The intent is clearly to lead Kashmiri youth astray, morally bankrupt an entire generation, and systematically uproot the Islamic values that have long been the backbone of Kashmiri society. By promoting ideologies and behaviors alien to the cultural and religious fabric of the region, they want to create a society in Kashmir that is disconnected from its roots, one that can be more easily manipulated and controlled. The hypocrisy becomes glaringly obvious when juxtaposed with states like Bihar and Haryana, where such programs would be strictly prohibited. The ruling BJP or for that matter all Hindus consider such things to be at odds with their religious identity and despite this the occupiers fervently champion these initiatives which actually reveals their true agenda of de-Islamizing and eventually Hinduizing the region according to their designs.
To understand the gravity of this strategy, we must delve into the broader implications of such normalization efforts within an Islamic society. Islam’s stance on homosexuality and gender relations is unequivocal, rooted in divine revelation and a comprehensive moral framework. The Islamic teachings on these matters are not mere cultural preferences but essential components of a theocentric worldview. This worldview posits that morality originates from Allah, and human existence is purposeful—to worship and obey Him. The Qur’an categorically states, “It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter, that they should have any option in their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has indeed strayed into plain error.”
In a society built on such principles, the normalization of behaviors and ideologies that contradict divine guidance is not just an affront to religious sensibilities but an existential threat. The occupiers are acutely aware of this. By propagating such abnormal things that undermine the natural and divinely ordained norms of union between men and women, they desperately want to sow confusion and moral decay. This is part of well-planned strategy to erode the social cohesion and resistance potential of Kashmiri society. The advocacy for LGBTQ rights in this context is a cog in the machinery of occupation’s psychological and cultural warfare.
The cultural transformation being imposed on Kashmir is related to a broader global trend where liberal ideologies are wielded as tools of neocolonial control. The LGBTQ movement, now pervasive in many parts of the world, has evolved from seeking tolerance to demanding celebration and active endorsement. This shift is underpinned by contentious metaphysical assumptions about human identity and the role of sexuality in defining the self. Within this paradigm, sexual feelings are elevated to the status of unassailable truth, often displacing religious and communal norms. The occupiers exploit this paradigm shift to introduce values that are fundamentally at odds with Islamic teachings and they use them as instruments to weaken the resistance and resilience of Kashmiri society. I recently was reading an article on Islam and the LGBT Question on yaqeeninstitute.org and suggest every Kashmiri to go through it and other critical research about the subject, seek guidance from Allah and keep an eye on your surroundings as we are going through the toughest phase in history. Below, I am sharing an excerpt from the article:
“…Islam’s prohibition of homosexual acts is categorical, and its teachings on gender relations and sexual norms are foundational and inseparable from belief in Allah and His revelation. There is no room in Islam for the new direction in which the liberal culture appears to be dragging the West and, through its coercive ideological apparatus, the world as a whole. It is a culture that denies the natural and divinely ordained norms of union between men and women, erasing sexual differences in favor of a utopian, ideological, anti-religious, and anti-scientific androgyny. One would have to reject Islamic guidance root and branch in order to incorporate this radical gender egalitarianism. This agenda requires, and has already mobilized, rigorous social engineering domestically, as well as neocolonial wars and anti-religious propaganda in the Muslim world in particular and the Global South generally. Muslims must, therefore, establish and advocate for the Islamic paradigm of gender and sexuality over and against modern and postmodern perversions, while also supporting those Muslims who acknowledge orthodox Islamic teachings, but who struggle with same-sex attractions and/or gender dysphoria, in their struggle to live lives of virtue in conformity with the will of Allah and the teachings of Islam”
Now think about a young Kashmiri Muslim exposed to these programs. When confronted with questions about LGBTQ issues, the youth may find themselves caught between two conflicting worldviews: the Islamic moral framework and the secular liberal paradigm. The former sees acts like homosexuality as prohibited and contrary to divine wisdom, while the latter portrays them as expressions of personal identity and human rights. This discord creates cognitive dissonance, leaving many young people vulnerable to the ideological onslaught of the occupiers. The goal is to fracture the collective moral consciousness of the community and replace it with an individualistic ethos that prioritizes personal desires over communal well-being and spiritual obligations.
The normalization of such abnormalities—within a society deeply rooted in Islamic values—is not merely an imposition of alien cultural norms but a deliberate act of cultural subversion. By promoting practices that go against the grain of Kashmiri society, the occupiers seek to create a populace that is estranged from its identity and values. This estrangement serves their long-term goal of consolidating control over the region and Hinduize it. A society disconnected from its faith and traditions is more susceptible to external manipulation and less likely to resist oppression.
We have to counter this insidious agenda at any cost and reaffirm our commitment to Islamic teachings and moral values. As Shaheed Dr. Mannan has told us that the occupation of our homeland is multifaceted and we have to fight it on multiple fronts. We must engage in proactive efforts to educate the youth about the divine wisdom underlying Islamic principles on gender and sexuality. At the same time, it is essential to provide support and guidance to individuals who may struggle with these issues and help them navigate their challenges within the framework of their faith. This requires a holistic approach that combines spiritual education, social solidarity, and intellectual engagement.