
Is spreading immorality a state funded project in Kashmir?

Yaqoob Mirza

Has the spread of immorality always been a tool of control in Kashmir, or has it now become an overtly state-funded project? The answer lies in a famous saying by the great Salahuddin Ayyubi: “If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery and nudity common in them.” History is filled with examples where forces of falsehood sought to corrupt righteous societies by promoting indecency and using seduction and debauchery as weapons to weaken resistance. Now, in the case of Kashmir, one can only imagine the magnitude of the destruction when a state like India, with its vast machinery, is actively working to dismantle the moral fabric of a small, occupied nation by funding and promoting immorality.

Last month, three outsiders were seen in an SUV with local girls on their way to Tangmarg in North Kashmir. Some brave Kashmiris intercepted them and stopped them from indulging in immoral activities. However, before the matter could escalate, the puppet police rushed in, ensuring the safe escape of the outsiders. What should have been an act of moral and social responsibility was instead met with hostility and an FIR was lodged, not against those attempting to defile the societal norms of Kashmir, but against the locals who sought to protect their homeland’s integrity!

This is not an isolated case. The occupying administration continues to shield these non-locals, even sending them on specific missions to carry out such activities. Just last year, a non-local student committed blasphemy against our beloved Prophet (SAW) and was swiftly given protection and a safe passage out of Kashmir. The state actively enables and protects those who violate the core values of Kashmiri society.

Beyond the moral decay inflicted upon the youth, there is an even greater and more dangerous objective at play. The ruling party in New Delhi views Kashmir not just as a political or territorial dispute, but as a religious issue. They see the faith of Kashmiris as the primary obstacle to their oppressive designs. Thus, they are not merely seeking to keep the chains of occupation intact but they aim to strip Kashmiris of their identity by making them renounce their faith. The Indian state has systematically funded projects such as “Ghar Wapsi”, designed to lure and coerce Kashmiri Muslims into abandoning their religion.

This onslaught is not a spontaneous or random development. It is a well-planned, heavily financed, and deeply rooted campaign to break the will of Kashmir’s youth, erode their cultural and religious foundations, and render them incapable of resistance.

How should we respond to these vicious assaults on our identity and morality?

First and foremost, awareness is key. People must be educated about the grand design being executed against them. The youth must be made aware that their faith and culture are under siege, and they must be prepared to resist with utmost determination.

Second, grassroots efforts must be intensified. Communities need to unite and cultivate a sense of responsibility, particularly among the younger generation. Families must instill a strong moral compass in their children and ensure they are not swayed by the temptations and traps set by the oppressor. This struggle begins at home—by fortifying the beliefs and values that define Kashmiri society.

Lastly, our Ulema must step forward and reclaim their role as the defenders of our religious identity. They must become the vanguard against these attacks and reinforce the teachings of our faith and stand against the orchestrated moral decline being forced upon us.

Kashmir is facing an existential battle. Besides being occupied illegally, there is a war against our morality, dignity, and faith. We must be steadfast. If we do not resist today, we risk losing everything that makes us who we are. The time to act is now, with resolve, unity, and unshakable faith.

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